Call for papers

Submission deadline 1st of October, 2024


28th - 29th of November 2024
Scientific conference Methodology & Archaeometry, Zagreb, Croatia

Important Info

Submission deadline
October 1, 2024
Conference start
November 28, 2024

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 12th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry which will take place on 28th and 29th of November 2024

The scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry is being organised by the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb since 2013. The goal of the conference is to entice interdisciplinary, critical thinking, new insights and approaches as well as new theoretical frameworks in contemporary archaeological science. Coverage of a wide spectrum of themes and scientific disciplines has resulted in papers and discussions that promote scientific issues in the fields of methodology, documentation and interpretation of archaeological data. The interdisciplinary character of the conference brings together archaeologists and researchers from other scientific disciplines with whom archaeologists collaborate closely; and who – through their work, projects and ideas – promote new insights about Interpretation of the human life in the past.

Conference Themes and Topics

Coverage of a wide spectrum of themes and scientific disciplines has resulted in papers and discussions that promote scientific issues in the fields of methodology, documentation and interpretation of archaeological data. The main questions for this two section is aimed to address are:

Section Methodology

1. Archaeological methodology: Recent trends and continuous problems
2. Interpreting archaeological record
3. Landscape and Remote Sensing
4. Public and Community Archaeology
5. Digitization of cultural heritage
6. Experimental archaeology
7. Data sharing in archaeology: Open access digital repositories

Section Archaeometry

1. Archaeological methodology in the interpretation of arhaeometric studies
2. Raw material provenance studies
3. Technological studies
4. Radiocarbon analysis and interpretation
5. Ancient DNA – potentials, benefits and problems
6. Data sharing in archaeology: Open access digital repositories

Important Notice

Deadline for submitting abstracts for oral presentations and posters is 1st of October, 2024.

Abstracts for oral presentations and posters should be submitted according to the following structure
Author details: full name, organization, address, email
Title: choose a title that reflects the main message of the abstract
Text: should not exceed 300 words

The poster should be printed in A0 size (841mm x 1189mm).
Orientation of your poster must be in portrait style.

Ensure your text is legible: use a large font size (28 pt or bigger).
Make sure that every slide makes a point, and do not overload your presentation with unnecessary slides.
Do not put too much text on one slide. The ideal maximum number of words is 30-35 per slide.
The time allocated for a presentation is 15 minutes, with a further 5 minutes allowed for discussion.
All summaries will be published in the abstract book and available at the website of the conference. The official language of the conference is English. There is no registration fee.